Pieter H. Joubert

Gli autori di ebookecm.it

Pieter H. Joubert
MBBCh, FCP(SA), MD, is a clinician specialized in internal medicine in South Africa who trained in clinical pharmacology at the University of Rochester, USA. During a successful academic clinical pharmacology career, he was a member of several boards and committees. He also reviewed applications for approval of new drugs for the South African health authority. His key areas of clinical experience are in cardiovascular disease, nephrology, and diabetes.He currently holds an honorary professorship of pharmacology and therapeutics at the Medical University of Southern Africa and a visiting professorship in pharmaceutical medicine at the University of Surrey, UK. He has acted as a consultant to numerous pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and has published extensively in books and scientific journals.

Libri di Pieter H. Joubert disponibili su ebookecm.it

Strategic Scientific and Medical Writing: the road to success

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